What is Cook A Turkey With Gravy?


To have lesbian sex utilizing a turkey baster. Sometimes with the intent of becoming pregnant.

"Jen was a hurdy gurdy dirty little girlie

I heard it from a birdie she could cook a mean turkey

with gravy"

Excerpt of Lyrics from "Jane Fonda" by Mickey Avalon.

Hey Chris, I'd like to have a baby. Wanna cook a turkey with gravy tonight?

See lesbian, sex, turkey baster, mickey avalon, obscene, Ron


To have lesbian sex utilizing a turkey baster. Sometimes with the intent of becoming pregnant.

"Jen was a hurdy gurdy dirty little girlie

I heard it from a birdie she could cook a mean turkey

with gravy"

Excerpt of Lyrics from "Jane Fonda" by Mickey Avalon.

Hey Chris, I'd like to have a baby. Wanna cook a turkey with gravy tonight?

See lesbian, sex, turkey baster, mickey avalon, obscene


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