
What is Cook?


One who meddles in the arts of concocting methamphetamines. Typicaly in their own home-made laboratory inside their house or garage.

I am so spun off that shit! Give my compliments to the cook!

See cook, methamphetamine, speed, drugs, go-fast


Verb: To engage in producting a form of methamphetamine (see Meth.)

Tweaker 1: Hey man, we're out of dope!

Tweaker 2: No worries, grab some matchbooks and we'll cook us some more.

See dope, meth, junkie, high, tweaker


To alter or adjust accounting or other records ("books"), evidence, statements, etc., usually fraudulently or unethically, in such a way as to make them take on a different meaning or appearance.

"That company is actually bankrupt, but they are going to cook the books to make it appear solvent."

"Joe's experiments all failed, but he cooked the records and now everyone thinks he's a genius."

See alter, adjust, fix, manipulate, process, whitewash


One who makes food.

The cook of the family is Sarah; She makes delicious cake.

See food, boil, stir, fat person


"i don't care"

not caring about the situation, person, place.


guy 1: "damn, this slurpee is hella good."

guy 2: "naw man, thats cook."

See not, caring, stupid, jank, boring, uninteresting, naw


to slander someones physical attributes in a profound or abbrupt manner

yo irby im bout to cook ya lil ugly ass boy u look like jabba the hut

See fry, spark up, roast, bake, chef


1. roasted

2.To slab and abuse a person (usually girls)

3.To gargle someone

i just cooked that girl over there last night.

See roasted, gargled, superman, skimped


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