
What is Cookiemonster?


A person who goes totaly fan-girl/boy over anything David Cook related. (Winner of American Idol 2008) They call him "Cookie" due to his last name, "Cook" and know as much information on him as a phonebook knows about phone numbers. Will stand in line for ANYTHING David Cook related for about 5 hours (starting at midnight, no less), sleeping in a tent while listening to David Cook CD's they've already purchased and eating only Cerio's in their PJ's. Often found anoying.

Person one: Do you know if Renna's at school today?

Person two: Yeah. She's been in the restroom crying for the past three periods because she couldn't get David Cook tickets.

Person one: Wow, what a CookieMonster.

See david cook, cookie, monster, american idol, cook


A girl who REALLY wants it. Cookiemonsters are primitive creatures that are found mainly in regions categorized by Suburban Jewopolisness. In many cases, Cookiemonsters will act violently when they are refused it.*

There are various ways of determining whether or not a girl is in fact a Cookiemonster. One of which is by simply observing their acts. Should a girl stand in the corner, straddling a filing cabinet, she is probably a HUGE Cookiemoster.

*The fact that Cookiemonsters want it does not at all require attractive rowers to give it to them.

1: That Cookiemonster wants to crumble.

2: Don't buy those clothes, that's what a Cookiemonster would wear.

3: Don't give it to that girl, she's a big Cookiemonster.

See maddie, cookie, cookiemonster, pussy, dick, want, slut, it, crew, skank


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