Cookies And Cream

What is Cookies And Cream?


Masturbation while pooping; often onto a person.

I was thinking about Alexis while I was pooping.

So you jacked off on the toilet?

That bowl was loaded with cookies and cream.

See cookies, cream, masturbate, jack off, poop, shit, toilet, bathroom


1. The black and white speckled area revealed after removing a portion of a cigarette filter (most often a white filter and beyond a dotted line)

2. The swampy substance created by cumming on a girl's back after doggystyle sex and using the cum pool as an ash tray

Look, Mike! I found the cookies and cream in this crappy foreign cigarette.

Angie, the curves of your back make a fine vessel for the cookies and cream I've just deposited.

See cum, cigarette, doggystyle, cookies, cream


Having anal sex with a girl condom-less then cumming in her mouth, thus creating a cookies and cream like mixture in her mouth

that chick totally wants me to give her some cookies and cream

See degrading, ass, mouth, disgusting, nasty


When a man shits in a girl's mouth. He then cums in the girl's mouth.

Hey mike, you wanna come to my house and make some cookies and cream

See alabama hot pocket, hot carl, blumpkin, aligator fuck house, abe lincoln


after having rigorous anal sex with a partner, your partner then sharts into your urethra, you proceed to ejaculate on there face, shooting a turd missile propelled by a flood of semen (extra points if you land one on the lips).

The result appears to be delicious cookies and cream on your partners lips.

mmmmmmmmm mmm good.

I watched Zack's face as his tounge tasted the steamy cookies and cream I blew all over his face after he shit on my dick.

See turd, missile, britney spears, anal sex, college football, fubar, poop, obama, cookies, cream, gross, sex, fat ass, ford, gang bang


When you rally a chick in the ass and get chunks of shit on your dick, you get her to suck it, then you blow it in her mouth.

"i fed this bitch cookies and cream last night"

See chips ahoy, cum bomb, eat ass


A game where a chocolate chip cookie is laid in the middle of a circle jerk and everyone ejaculates onto the cookie,if anyone misses the cookie they have to eat the cookie.If noone misses the cookie then the last person to ejaculate has to eat the cookie.

My mom caught us all skipping school one day.She came home from work early and caught us in the basement playing cookies and cream.


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