
What is Cookin?


drunk, intoxicated by liquor

niggas was cookin like a muthafucka last night


after hitting a bowl of marijuana and passing it to a friend the bowl remains on fire and there is no need for it to be relit

Hit that bowl it's still cookin! It should be cookin my friend.

See cookin, cooking, burning, blazing, cheffing


loosely used for anything or one that is incredibly "hip" or of some notable recognition. Derived from, and often describing a great sounding jazz group, player, or musical scenario.


See jazz, hot, bad, smokin, hip, killin


To go fast in any shape or form: skateboard, car, running, or motorcycle.

yo sonn you was cookin on yo skateboard.

See cookin, cooking, cookin', fast, go


When you are mildly high on weed. This can be seen when you are walking with a retarded smile on your face, you are talking kind of stupid and your eyes are sort of red. You probably just smoked a dime with 3 other people.


Yoooo I saw Marcos and he was cooking!

See high, cool, smoking, weed


to jack off or to masterbate

i walked in on jordan and he was cookin his meat

See jacking off, beating off, camping, masterbate, Lawtown


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