Cooking The Books

What is Cooking The Books?


a frequent practice of lying and cheating in any record bookkeeping, in order to substancially increase your own personnal profit and earnings. OR knowingly providing incorrect information in a companies financial statements. This is, needless to say, illegal.

Johnny went to jail for cooking the books at his office.


When a girl wears a flattering shirt that brings attention to her breasts, and hangs down to cover her fat roll. The term indicates that she purposefully misrepresenting the 'goods'

That chick is kind of cute, but I think she's cooking the books a little with that shirt.

See cooking, hiding, muffin top, cook the books, exposed


In that TWIX commercial where the girl makes the fool out of herself. She says, "Old man Perkins is cooking the books." In front of Old man Perkin's daughter

"Old man perkin's is cooking the books"

See cheating, lying, enron, office space


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