Cool Drew

What is Cool Drew?


A sex act in which a woman on her period and her male partner (must be a jew) defecate into her vagina, followed by the partner giving oral sex to the woman until climax at which point the woman ejaculates a mixture of menstrual blood and human feces onto her partner's face. The partner then has the fecal menstrual blood licked off his/her face. Essentially a combination of the Alabama Hot Pocket and the Tuna Melt, variations of the Alabama Tuna Melt have been traced back to Ancient Rome. Contrary to popular thought, revisionist historians have found that Cleopatra did not die of a snake bite, but rather died of an infection as a result of performing a variation of the Alabama Tuna Melt with Mark Anthony.

Jamplo: I totally cool Drew'd my cousin last week!

Avery: That's so nasty.

Jamplo: It's fine we were in Cooter Creek Alabama.

Avery: Cool Drew!

See if, you, blog, are, teh, shit, drew, wog, curry, muncher


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