Cool Story, Bro

What is Cool Story, Bro?


Phrase used sarcastically to express a lack of interest in what the other person is saying. Often written on the Internet as, "cool story bro".

Person 1: "I think people who listen to metal are mindless idiots."

Person 2: "Cool story, bro."

See apathy, i don't care, who cares, i don't give a fuck, i care


A response to a story or piece of information that you find boring, or is too long and you don't want to read it.

One extra note, though. The only proper use of "Cool story, bro" is to say it exactly as it is in the quotes. Any other variation ("Interesting tale, brethren", "Wonderful retelling, sibling") should never be used under any circumstances, and will make you look like a complete failure to everyone who reads it.

Me: Yeah, so I was at the mall eating some corn dog when this guy walks by.

You: Cool story, bro

See cool, story, cool story, bro, tl:dr, boring


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