
What is Coolidge?


v. To be overcome with immense sexual pleasure against one's will (the one being coolidged must be a male).

At the party Friday night, Mat was so drunk he refused sex, but the bitch coolidged him anyway.


Coolidge is simply a variation of cool

Bob: I've got a new Macintosh

John: Coolidge!

See cool, kwl, hot, nice, nifty


anything that is cool or tyteor whatever you say when you like something.

girl: I'm going to the left bamboozle concert! can you believe it?!?!

guy: coolidge!

See awesome, cool, tyte, dope, sick


the act of losing one's cool, flipping out, taking a fit.

Bob went coolidge at his boss when he was passed over for the promotion and the swat team had to be called in.

See Jay


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