Coon Dog

What is Coon Dog?


A white woman who dates, has dated, has sex with, or has had sex with a black man. Damaged goods. See: Mud Shark.

"Man, Brittany is HOT!"

"Ew, no. She's such a coon dog."


"Yeah. It's a shame."

See coon, coon-dog, mud shark, nigger lover, jungle fever


commonly misreferred to as steve; rare creature that dwells in the black light infested rooms and can be seen writing in highlighter; refers to flat rimmed hats as "fresh" and often compares them to crisp apples; prefers to drink only out of a "das boot" and can be heard yelling obsceneties at 3 in the morning

Did you see Coon Dog ruling the pong table at that partay last night?

Did you see Coon Dog under the sink last night?

See fierce, orange, fresh, boozy, sick


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