
What is Coop-a-loop?


A take off the movie Old School when Will Ferrell is about to go streaking and Snoop Dogg is performing. He grabs the mic from him and says "Snoop, Snoop-A-Loop."

A way to greet someone named Cooper.

Justyn (AKA Brown Man): Coop, Coop-A-Loop

You're my boy Coop, Coop you're my boy. (Another take from Old School, replacing Blue's name w/Coop.)

See coopaloop, snoop-a-loop, snoopaloop


A crazy kid with an afro; who every now and then goes on a loose. Then you have to catch him.

My neighbor is Coop-A-Loop.


The name given to one with Coop-like characteristics. One of the more prominent characteristics is the coop-like luck. A Canadian Coop is called Coop-eh-loop. They are generally observed as having curly hair and glasses.

That curly haired kid with glasses is without a doubt a Coop-A-Loop



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