
What is Coopin'?


When you hit the bar and see a group of gorgeous women all together doing their "girls night out thing"....Like hens in a chicken coop.

Fred: You gonna go talk to her?

Tom: Hell, nah. I'll wait til she's done COOPIN' so I'll have a chance

See hanging out


When you are out partying or just hanging out and looking to hook up and have some fun. No personal ties, emotions, commitment, just straight hanging out and hooking up. Weather it's partying or just some 1 on 1 chilling, it's coopin'

Came from a couple of guys during high school after we were single decided to go party and hook up, so we created the word to go along with our mission to Coop.

"Lets go find some girls at the party and do some coopin'"

"I was coopin' and hooked up with a few girls last night"

"I was chillin at a friends house, just cooped"

See hooking up, partying, cooper, coops


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