
What is Coot?


1. A dark-gray water dwelling bird resembling a duck.

2. A foolish old man.

3. Seeing how the USC football sucks so consistently, it seems rather offending to good poultry everywhere to call them Gamecocks, so a "coot" is a much more realistic symbol for such an inept football program.

1) Any coots arrested today?

2) He meant jorts, as in jean shorts; you know, the staple of every Coot's wardrobe. -CUhoopster48®

See arrested, arrest, criminal, jail, coot, cooted, gamecocks, gamecock, south carolina, spurrier, holtz, football


A slang term referring to a middle-aged or old person. Could be insulting depending on intent.

"That old coot."

See Dark Knight


coot ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kt)


1. Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genus Fulica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill.

See scoter.

2. Informal. An eccentric or crotchety person, especially an eccentric old man.

1. That bird, is a coot.

2. Look at that old coot, sitting on his front porch.


A term for older person.

That coot lost his mind.



- A shorter version of the word cooter, which basically means vagina. "coot" is less crass-sounding than "cooter". It is probably most similar in connotation to the word twatwhen referencing a vagina, as opposed to pussy, which has a more sexual connotation and snatchwhich sounds pretty crass.

- More commonly a "coot" is an older, usually male person, and generally refers to a perceived diminished capacity, uncouthness or senility. Typically said "old coot".

She's got a pretty ugly coot for a pornstar.

That old coot hanging out on his porch all day is always yelling at the kids for no reason.

See vagina, twat, cooter, pussy, snatch, cunt, vajayjay, puss, vag, vaj, old


(slang)- of great shock value.

Prounounced C(ewe)T, the longer the "ewe" the more shock value. COOOOOOOOOT vs COOT


originating in: Calvert County, MD and spreading like wildfire. Also spelled Koot.

Me to a friend: "I stood in line at the DMV for 6 hours today."

Friend to me:"COOT, that's a long time."

Use of the long "ewe"

Me to friend: "That girl has had 10 STD's in the last year."

Friend: "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, That's disgusting."

See coot, koot, wow, damn, holy shit


When something is too cute to say cute.

My girlfriend is so coot.

See cute, sexy, awesome, adorable, handsome


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