What is Copenhagen?
Brand of chewing tobacco, comes in Long Cut, Snuff, and Black (bourbon flavored).
A smokeless tobacco that satisfies since 1822.
The capital city of
No example. It's just the capital city.
While some belive that it is pure ground bits of angel hair, it is truly only the greatest form of chewing tabbacco known to man. It comes in two forms, long cut, and its shorter cut brother snuff. It is generaly preferd by veteran dippers, because of its higher nicoteen content and bitter taste. It is the chew of choice for all forms of hillbillys and cowboys. Its effects on rookie dippers is generaly vomiting, while in the veterans it produses euphoria. A large dip taken by a veteran may even result in a "tweek out", a form of pure joy expressed by a violant jerking of the body and strage noises made famouse by the imfamouse "Dip Master" Spencer Miles.
God I love Copenhagen!
NO i dont want pussy skoal, im a man I need Copenhagen
Doug: I dont like Copenhagen, i like skoal and grizzly.
Tyler Durrdan: We are goning to have to take his balls.
chris ledoux song that kicks ass
best damn shit on earth
Copenhagen, Chewing Tabacco, Made By The US Smokless Tabacco Co. since 1822 comes in Snuff, long cut, pouches and various flavors such as whiskey blend
you Wanna Dip a Copenhagen?
City in Denmark which has the most beautiful women per-capita in the world. I met Francesca there, and will never forget the experience.
Copenhagen is the true romantic capital of the world.