
What is Copy?


Hear and comprehend, as in verbal communication. Radio slang used to determine the proper transfer of a message. Proper responses would run along the lines of "Roger." or "I copy."

"We've got to get this truckload of cow parts through the state border by dawn, copy?."

See ryon


To follow or imitate exactly.

Reproduction of an original.

Jacqueline loves to copy from other people's tests and homework.

See mimic


to duplicate something

don't copy that floppy

See moogy


Print media jargon for a final draft that is ready for publication.

(Often used with an implicit article, like "head") Editor: "I need you to give copy by midnight. Or you can give head instead."

(Note that it is never "give a copy", or "get ahead".)


V. to mimic

N. an extra of something not human

V. I just cant stand my little brother!" little brother:" I just can't stand my little brother" SHUT UP" L/b: "SHUT UP"

N. I have an extra copy of this worksheet

See Insane


recreate exactly

i copyd your homework


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