What is Copyratted?
When somebody throws the rat when you "borrowed" somebody's work, usually tweaking something of it to your liking and making it good. The result is having a video, for example, removed from your account. This angers everybody in the community, except for the rich authorities and the goody-goody two shoes. This happen quite often on the popular site Youtube.
Youtuber 1: Damm! My new music video was tight! It had 9,001 views! Then it got deleted for being "copyrighted", and now I've been Copyratted!
Youtuber 2: Well look at the positives, at least your neighbor is a hot asian girl!
Youtuber 1: That always makes my day!
Youtuber 2: Yea....let's light it with her again!
Youtuber 1: Us? You mean me......fine let's go already.
Youtuber 2: Yay!
And so, they both ended up
Smash ing her and her super hot friend. They then had anotherSmash session fro breakfast, and they all lived happily ever after. The End???