
What is Cori?


a girls version of the boys name corey

only a shortened version of corinne if you are of german descent

The cutest name in the whole world

Cori is the sexiest girl ever.


A sexy beast with lovely vuluptuous breasts who might sit next to you in french and who you always have a crush on

boy 1: damn i want a cori to sit with me in madame pence's class!

boy2: if only!

See hottie, shortie, blondie, corinne, sexy


awesome, cool, sexy da name says it all :D

cori is awesome and very sexy


a girls name usually...short for corinne.

go me! I, Cori, am awesome!!!!!


a girl's name, normally short for Corinne.

Hi, my name is Cori.


girls name also short for corissa

cori is the coolest girl in the world

See Anonymous



watch her dance


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