
What is Coricidin?


An Over-the-Counter drug containing 30 mg of dextromethorphan and 4 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate. The common misconception is that Corocidin and DXM are interchangable, the truth is that pure DXM is not found over-the-counter. Chlorpheniramine maleate is an antihistamine that causes drowsiness, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and loss of appetite, which can often counteract the high desired. When taken in large doses (often required to produce the desired high), the liver cannot break down the chemicals quickly enough (due to the fact that the same enzyme controls the breakdown of both chemicals in coricidin), and will cause poisoning. Often times, after several uses, a user will find that Coricidin has a negative effect upon the user. Hospitalizations and death have resulted in overdoses of Coricidin.

Woah this coricidin is so cool.....OW, MY LIVER!!!


Brand of over-the-counter medicine made by Schering-Plough HealthCare

Products. The most commonly used/abused product of the Coricidin chain is Cough and Cold, often referred to as skittles, candy, red devils, ccc, triple c's, dxm, robo-fry, robo dots, among others, describing the effects as well as the appearance of the medicine. This product is commonly abused by teenagers all over the U.S.A and is becoming yet another drug epidemic to be watched by the government. Effects include body temperature increase, nausea, vommiting, cartoon-like hallucinations, loss of memory, insomnia, paranoia, and the feeling one is physically asleep and living in a dream.

Trust me on this, I am yet another Skittlehead and have done a lot of research on Coricidin. Remember kids, research your drugs before you do them. Otherwise, your pretty much an idiotic junky. If you USE it and not ABUSE it, drugs may not be a bad thing RECREATIONALLY. This is my personal opionion and I am not representing any other person, organization, nor do I associate, represent, or affiliate myself with the Schering-Plough HealthCare Products Company or anybody else except me. So don't sue me, take two more and relax. It'll all be over soon...


WARNING: Don't use coricidin to trip. Tripping on DXM is great, but not on Coricidin. See dxm.

From erowid:

"WARNING: Many DXM-containing products (such as Coricidin Cough and Cold)

also contain other active ingredients which can be dangerous or even fatal in

high doses."


coricidin is also reffered to as skittles, triple c's, whities, etc. . .

if you take more than the recomended dose i guarrantee you the best trip you will ever have. that is if you like trippin balls. if you just like to get a little buzz these are not the things for you to take. trippin skittles is like a very weird dream. everything just seems so weird and different even if everything is fine. for example, one time i popped 16 of them bitches and was sitting downstairs w/ my older brother and i looked at him and was like, wat time is it? and he was like, its 7. i said. . .7? 7? is that late? its 7? 7,7,7,7,7,7, etc. and just kept saying 7 really fast for no reason. and one time when i was at school i took 20, layed my head down on the desk when i started to trip, then i felt like i was gonna throw up but in my mind i thought ppl would've thought i was weird if i got up, so i sat there and started puking up spit and was gagging real bad, then when i got done i layed my head right down in it and went to sleep. lol. they also make you walk like a duck. but if you smoke pot on top of it you'll walk like a robot and get incredibly fucked up. i've had a few ppl tell me that they never wanted to see those things again b/c they got toofucked up and it freaked them out. but i dont recomend anyone take them. they're VERY dangerous. i got hooked on them BAD. i got used to throwing up every time i took them so i made sure i was around a trash can an hour after taking them. it got so bad that i ended up having to crush them up just to take them b/c i couldn't put them in my mouth w/ out throwing up. i could look at them and gag. but anyways, DONT TAKE THEM TO GET FUCKED UP!! the high you get is from your brain swelling and the blood running down the back of your neck and spine!! its a KICK ASS trip but i'de hate to be the one to pay the consequences!

trippin on coricidin is a trip i guarrantee you will not get from anything else!

See skittles, whities, ccc


coricidin is an over the counter drug that has 30 mg of Dextromethorphan which is a cough supressant and has 4 mg of Chlorpheniramine maleate which is an antihistamine that causes drowsiness, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and loss of appetite,

coricidin is also known as: triple c's, little red devils, robo dots, cc's, ccc, candy coated chaos, skittles

most people say coricidin is addictive when its actually not they have a mental addiction where they think they need it to function or feel good, there is nothing in the drug that can cause a physical dependency

on my first trip i took 8 cause me and my brother had only one box i was feelin really good cause it was my first time and it will last for about 4-6 hours but my second time was the next day and i took 16 which is the whole box i took them around 2:00 the feeling will kick in about an hour later, it was really hot out when we were getting a ride to our friends party i was trippin so hard in the car i seriously thought i was gonna die i didnt think it was supposed to feel like that, i threw up out of the window so we had to go to the gas station and wash it off when i stood up to wash it i didnt think i was able to stand, but the bad feeling went away and the good feeling came it was probably the best trip ive ever had at the time, the guys at the party told me to swim with them i didnt know what they were talking about and i was like i dont have a shirt i cant swim they said do you mean shorts i was like yep yep yep yep yop yop yop yop yope yope yope yope yope yope dope dope dope dope, does any one have any weed i wanna smoke, a couple of people had some so we went and smoked it was like i was a robot its was really cool, but the feeling lasted from 3:00 to about 11:00 at night. because of this trip the guys at the party nicknamed me kid trippin, trippin or trippy

i would not reccomend doing coricidin more than twice but i think its alright to expirement as much as you want

if you ever do coricidin please please please make sure there is at least one sober person with you, and please please please go up and down a flight of stairs it feels so cool its like you have no feet so it feels like you're gliding or flying its really cool.

if you wanna know more about drugs or my expiences add my myspace its:


See skittles, drugs, trippin, trippy, dxm, insanity, robo, red devils, dextromethorphan, dex, ccc, cc's, coricidin cough & cold


Coricidin is pretty fucked up to take. The first time i did it was recently before going to the movies and i popped the entire box it was like 16. and the whole movie i just felt really weird and when i went to stand up i felt like my whole equilibrium was off. like i couldn't stand up right and felt like a robot. and i was panicking so hard cause i never even robo tripped or took that much of anything at once so it was fuckinnnn scary having to go home after i finally was fuckin retarded. coricidin fucks you up cause of the 30 mg of dextromethorphan... but seriously this shit was fucked up. but then i did it the next weekend and only took 9 and did an oxy. and i didnt feel alot and passed out at like 3 am. and woke up fuckin retarded it was terrible. this shit im never touching again. i dont recommened it at allll haha

Coricidin Cold & Cough w/ DXM

See skittles, whities, trips, robotrip


Coricidin is a wholesome pharmaceutical company manufactured and marketed by the good people at Schering Plough. Although the corporate name initially denotes scythes and farm implements that rape the soil, Schering Plough has your best interests at heart. Just take far more Coricidin Cough and Cold than the "reccomended dosage" and you too will understand the healthful benefits of over the counter drug abuse.

After selling all your posessions to a pawn shop to support your ridiculous drug habit, invest in Schering Plough stock. If the good people at the FDA can turn a blind eye for money, so should you. 20 billion dollars in fraudulent sales cant be wrong.

this message was not endorsed by Schering Plough in any way and I cannot be held liable for my appropriately slanderous comments. That being said, I hope the executives burn in hell.

triple ccoricidinsound investmentFDA

See triple c, coricidin, dxm, skittles, fda


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