
What is Corie?


A pleasure to be around. Fun, exciting, weird (in good way, like Mitch is weird). Enjoyable, funny and just plain fantastic.

sleepover/movie night party BLAST with Corie!

See corie, fun, fantastic, happy, great


Freaking amazing.

Wow, you are Corie.

See amazing, spectacular, sexy, wow


A girl who is Obsessed wih musicals. loves to sing and dance.

who can that be singing and dancing to that musical. Oh no it can only be corie

See Corie


Slang for penis

Used widely by Stokesley Breeds!!

I got told he has a small cory

See Chris


Noun: Also known as a "psycho bitch" who unwarningly lashes out at innocent bystanders. Commonly has behaviors that are socially unattractive and is anorexic, bipolar, and surprisingly jank all at once. Easily recognized by a large deformed nose.

Yo! That girl was being a ridiculous corie!

Watch out or she'll go all corie on your ass!

I saw a girl in the psych ward... she looked just like a corie.

See bitch, psycho, corey, rhinoplasty, slut


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