
What is Coriesque?


1: of or relating to Cori Alexis Martinez (Kagawa) 2: a mix of Japanese and Mexican heritage 3: characterized by high energy 4: Ditzy; Some people may consider the character of Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors very coriesque. 5: loves to sing 6: loves to listen to musical theatre soundtracks in spare time 7: sings soprano/mezzo-soprano in choral pieces; The solo in the a capella version of Bohemian Rhapsody has a very coriesque feel to it. 8: dramatic and passionate; The new play was being hailed as the latest coriesque sensation. 9: night blind

Synonyms: dreamy; ditzy; Japanese; Mexican; singer; dancer; actress; energetic; random; klutzy; helpful

Antonyms: tone deaf; no rhythm; complacent; rude; dispassionate; boring; bass; perfect eye sight

Entomology: a Japanese/Mexican female born to Pioquinto Martinez and Betti Kagawa on the fourth of September 1991 at Torrance Memorial Medical Center.

References: A mix of the energy and craziness of Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds) and the sarcasm and wit of Ziva David (NCIS). Both shows are CBS television shows.

A mix of the energy and personality of Alice Cullen and the lack of coordination of Bella Swan(pre-change) (Both characters in the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyers)

Some people may consider the character of Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors very coriesque.

See dreamy, ditzy, japanese, mexican, singer, dancer


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