
What is Corihead?


A common user of Coricidin HBP. (aka. Triple C's, skittles)

It usually takes several uses of Coricidin on high doses (ranging from 8 - 56 is the most i've seen taken at once, 56 was by myself and yes, I did OD.)

Coriheads usually believe that Coricidin provides a form of "enlightenment" or "a religious experiance." Coriheads often try to act very literal, which can make them come off as a creep or not understandable.

Coriheads are advised to quit use of the drug compleatly.

"Man we chillin' with Jerry tonight?"

"No nigga, that guys turned into a real Corihead"

See coricidin, triple c, triple cs, skittles


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