
What is Corking?


The act of holding your bowels inside for as long as possible, even days.

He's been corking for a week now, i'm sure he's toxic

See cork, bowels, constipated, toxic


A game involving homosexuals and a cork. Where one homosexual inserts a cork into their anus, they must see if they can blast the cork into the opponents eyes.

A points system is based around how much the opponent cries for and how many days they smell of wine and excrement.

The homosexual automatically wins if the 'receiving' homosexual is killed or seriously injured.

Example 1

Homo 1: "Bored?"

Homo 2: "Yes, what can we do?"

Homo 1: "Bit'a Corking?"

Homo 2: "Breathe in"

Example 2

Homo 1: "Fancy a game?"

Homo 2: "I'll get my good cork"

See corking, corker, cork, gay, cock, crok, croc


This is a gay act in which the following happens:

A guy has a tiny cork put into his penis hole, and this causes it to strethc. They put in a bigger cork each time until, the hole is big enough for another man to put his penis into the first man's penis hole.

Gay guy 1: What do you want to try?

Gay guy 2: Some corking?

See corking, gay, homosexual, homo, Meteorain


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