
What is Corky?


n. A slightly retarded or Downs person.

Ref. Life Goes On (early '90 ABC series)

Look at those Corkys getting on the short bus


Person who is a slightly retarded or slow.

Damn that boy is a corky bastard


a derogatory term for someone of lower intelligence, usually biologically rooted (e.g. downsyndrome)

also see (sped)

watch corky get on the short school bus.

See mullett


An American president in office from 2001 thru 2009, so nick-named due to his resemblance to an 80s TV character of the same name from the hit TV series "Life Goes On".

Person A: Check it out. Corky's on the TV.

Person B: I thought that series was off the air since 1993.

Person A: Not that Corky. The other one.

See george w. bush, retard


cute and dorky all rolled into one.

you're so corky!

See cute, dork, dorky, girl, blonde


A retard who by some unimaginable turn of events stumbles into success. A borderline illiterate who continues to buck the trend and maintain success.

I dont know how it happened but Corky just got named Chief of Police

See miller, todd, leland, cope


a nick name for the infamous world leader in priming technology, alan cawthorne

corky is the expert

See corky, priming, beet, sugar, water, leader


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