Corn Bread

What is Corn Bread?


A baked foodstuff for which the primary ingredient is maize, which many people call corn, a grain. Tradition holds that the Pilgrims ate corn bread because it was a plentiful grain - and the only grain - readily available where they settled in Massachusetts.

Yo this cornbread is most delicious, mothafucka! I gotta git me the recipe, fool!


1. A food commonly eaten by big booty black bitches.

2. Ur ass cherry(virginity),

Yo Shanana pass the mothe fuckin cornbread you black greedy bitch.

O shit my corn bread just got stolen by buba the inmate after i dropped the soap. My ass will never be the same.


someone who was concieved during an act of cornholing.cornhole

The sperm entered through the anus and traveled to the egg.

Must see definition of cornhole, cornholing.

Man, that dude is so ugly he must have been Corn Bread!

The neighbours kid is such a shitty little brat, she must have been Corn Bread!

See white trash, red neck


1) The most incredibly perfect substance on the Planet

2) The substance of which God is made of

.....mmmmmmmmmmmm..........corn bread......mmmmmmmmmm........


A pasty ass white person!

Why is he acting like he is black, he is a corn bread honkey.

See white, honkey, pasty, wonder bread


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