Corn Chunks

What is Corn Chunks?


Often associated with little corn chunks in your poop. Usually a day or so after you had corn for dinner. Corn chunks don't digest and therefore come out fully into your pooie.

When I ate Shepard's Pie, I noticed corn chunks in the toilet.

Judy Dunn flushed the toilet wondering why there were corn chunks in her diarrhea, then she remembered it was yesterday's school serving of Grits.

"Doctor! We have examined the patients waste and found small yellow pieces in it. What do you think they are?" The nurse exclaimed.

"Corn chunks, young padawan."

See chunks, corn, poop, toilet, corny


Often associated with little corn chunks in your poop. Usually a day or so after you had corn for dinner. Corn chunks don't digest and therefore come out fully into your pooie.

When I ate Shepard's Pie, I noticed corn chunks in the toilet.

See chunks, corn, poop, toilet, corny


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