Corn Job

What is Corn Job?


The act of sexin' up a a cornhole. This could be by ramming your hot sweaty meat into the cornhole. It could also include shoving your throbbing tongue into a cornhole (see rimjob).

Prisoner #1: The guards aren't paying any attention around the yard today.

Prisoner #2: Let's sneak around the corner and I'll give you a Corn Job.

Hooker: For $20 I'll give you a sloppy blow job.

Patron: $20 is too much for a blow job, but I'd be willing to pay that price for a Corn Job.

See cornhole, blow job, hand job, ass fuck, butt fuck, xavier


The act of performing fellatio on a dump as it is leaving the rectum. Best performed on a man when he is laying on his back and passing the turd with his legs pulled over his head.

You know, I think Sarah really digs me. For instance, after we went out for Mexican the other night, she totally gave me a corn job. Made her come, no less.


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