Corn Porn

What is Corn Porn?


Pornography with corn, Corn engaging in sexual acts, Nude Corn, etc. (See CILS)

"Ooohh, look at that corn porn! Ooohhh, yeeeahh, rub that butter on yourself! What are you gonna do with those corn holders? Yeah, you know what you're going to do with them, you dirty, dirty cob!"

See corn, porn, corn on the cob, pornography


The act of sticking corn up some one's ass or other region.

On Boku no Sexual Harassment they do some major corn porn.

See Fangirl


Pornography with corn; Corn engaging in sexual acts; Nude corn; etc.

"Oh! Look at that hot corn porn! Yeah that's right, rub that butter on yourself! What are you gonna do with those corn holders? Yeah, you know what you're gonna do with them, you dirty, dirty cob!"

See corn, porn, corn on the cob, pornography


Porn involving anal sex. Like a guy corn holing a girl.

Dude, my mom caught me wanking to some corn porn


the act of two corn snakes getting it one with one another.

hey mike, look at that corn porn!


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