Corn Rolls

What is Corn Rolls?


According to the usage of the terms based on a google search corn rolls are small baked items made with cornflower as the main ingrediant.

However their does seem to be some confusion with a similar sounding term. Corn rows are infact the style of hair worn by African Americans. The single term "cornrows" dates back to when African Americans primarily worked in agricultural settings and refers to the similarities between the hairstyle and straight rows of corn with spaces in between. This is not the same term as Corn Rolls which refer to a baked good. Althought there does seem to be a small fraction (less than 2% of sites) that refer to "corn rolls" as a type of hairstyle the vast majority use the term "corn rows."

My siter got cornrows in her hair and then we both went out to dinner and ate some really good fried chicken and corn rolls.

See cornrows, corn rolls, corn rows


Common misheard phrase, refers to a popular African-American hairstyle -- Some think it's corn rows, when in fact, it's rolls.

Man his corn rolls are fresh


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