
What is Corna?


AKA Rocker Shocker, AKA "Rock On!!" sign, AKA Horn; this hand gesture is for Texans and true metal fans only.

It doesn't mean rock on, doesn't mean you are an instant metalhead or rocker, it expresses love for metal.

Popularized by Ronnie James Dio].

1) Guitar Hero Fanboy: (Throws Up Corna) I am so rockin'!!

Me: You know who Dio is??

GH Fanboy: No.

Me: Then STFU!!!!

2) Average mongoloid: Hey, I'm a metal for life!!!

Me: Hey, what's a corna??

Mongoloid: Duh....... I dunno. LOL!

Me: Then STFU!!!!

See metallica, slayer, iron, maiden, thrash, black, doom, death


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