
What is Cornball?


adj. Of a cheesy, corny, and otherwise over-the-top feelgood nature.

Virtually any inspirational quote that makes you shudder.

From the third Kerry and Bush debate:

In the Oval Office there's a painting by a friend of Laura and mine named -- by Tom Lea.  It's a West Texas painting, a painting of a mountain scene.  And he said this about it -- he said," Sarah and I live on the east side of the mountain.  It's the sunrise side, not the sunset side.  It's the side to see the day that is coming, not to see the day that is gone."  I love the optimism in that painting because that's how I feel about America.

-G. W. Bush

"The patriotic music in political ads is so cornball."


a wack person, someone who thinks their cool, freshmen, dork, etc.

That kid thinks hes cool b/c he is late to class, what a cornball


A cornball is basically, the new geek. Just like a nerd used to be a lame but a geek was just completely off the scale lame. Now a geek or computer geek is someone who highly educated, usually through personal experience rather than actual institution education, in common computer softeware and the internet in general. He or she more often than not will also repair PCs. Pirately tendencies also usually apply.

This definition does not encompass cornballs in total. There are many varieties and sometimes a cornball IS a lame. Examples are shown below.


Napolean Dynamite

Ashy Larry

Michael Scott

Bill Gates

Steve Jobs


Dwight Schrup


Police (Definitely - all the wrong things)

The 40 Year old Virgin

Charlie - Me, Myself and Irene

See cornball, michael scott, bill gates


a person who is not popular, looks and dresses like a dork, has book smart and no street smarts, and aslo does not keep it gangsta.

that kid with the big ass book bag and the glass is a fucking cornball

See ill, tough, nice, wicked, great


coming from the word corn(y), a cornball is like a country bumpkin or dimwitted person such as a redneck; having to do with activities of such people.

The current president of the U.S. is a cornball. G. W. Bush invented the notion of WMDs in Iraq because he just wanted to have a war during his administration. To say Iraqis were freedom-hungry and that the USA was spreading freedom are cornball excuses for going to war.


A wrestling technique that involves giving a thumbs up to the opponents anus. May or may not involve a winding up motion.

Ponch decided it was time the match had ended and administered the cornball to his opponent.

See hooka


Its that dumbass motherfucker that says stupid ass shit and acts like a moron... STOP DOIN THAT! U AINT GOT NO FRIENDS GO HOME!

Fuck that nigga hes a cornball he still thinks pac is alive. THAT NIGGA IS DEAD. PUFF SHOT HIM. THATS REAL.


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