
What is Corning?


The act of throwing corn kernels or corn cobs at an individuals house to cause commotion.

When we went corning, I nailed my teacher's house with three bags of corn cobs before she realized what was happening.

See Toxic


Corning's a shitty ass town located in Ny.

Wow,Corning really sucks dick.

See wow, gay, 14, 88


Corning or "Cornin'" is simply the act of throwing kernels of corn at passing cars while you hide (usually with a group of friends) somewhere out of sight, but close to the road. Usually done on or around Halloween & is popular in southern Appalachia & rural parts of the country.

Me & some friends went corning last night & some guy we nailed got pissed off & got out of his car talking shit, so we threw a corn cob at that bitch & ran like hell.

See corning, cobbing, halloween


The act of shoving corn cernels or cobs of corn up one's ass.

I was corning Marcel's asshole.

See corning, duckbutter, bat wings, corn, corn on the cob


the act of smoking marijuana, used mainly on internet forums that dont condone drug use.

"time for some serious corning, man"


"this sucks dude, lets corn."

See weed, corn, pot, marijuana, smoking


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