
What is Cornucopia?


An abundance of something.

Woman: It's like a cornucopia of amazing!

See cornocopia, lots, abundance, huge


This is the name of the coolest youth group ever.

Are you going to Cornucopia on tuesday night? Yes, I am.

See love, group, teens, rad, tuesdays


Holistic medicine to enhance the male sex drive.

Late Latin, from Latin cornu copiae horn of plenty

I need to be on cornucopia cuz Viagra ain't workin'.


your upper butt hole. the small hole above you butt hole.

corey enjoys when alan and joe lick his cornucopia.

sean loves it when joe, alan , corey, and jared lick the lint out of his cornucopia.

See butt, hole, butthole, ass, fuck, lint, alan


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