
What is Cornwall?


The Lost CelticCountry,It is not an EnglishCountyas the anglo-saxonconspiracy woiuld have you believe. It is the DUCHY of Cornwall.Closely related to their cousins the Welsh{Cymru}and the Bretons in Brittany western Franceand second cousins to the IrishEire,the Manxand of course the ScottishAlba Those who chose to ridicule this ancient race are simply jealous usually Anglo saxons, that Foreign Germanic race who do not belong on these islands(Ever notice that ALL the Celtic Lands are Outstandingly Beautiful Whilst England is mostly bland flat featureless wasteland?) and no! I am not Cornish but i am a Celt

ps, This before some smart arse(saxon)posts an entry gushing lyrically about The Lake District being a gorgeous part of England .Well Sorry to kick you in the Germanic Bollocks once again BUT you see Cumbria is also Celtic so piss off back to the Low Countries.

Cornwall is Great. Fantastic People and Great Pastiesoh and marvelous Beaches ,Good Weather

See cornish, celtic


Quite possibly the greatest place on the planet, this is reflected by British Tourist industry figures. More people from the UK go to Cornwall on holiday then fly abroad. Problem is, we don't want you here. We live in a beautiful place far far away from the North East or any crime-rife cities and we, the Cornish people would like to keep it that way.

Nothing pisses me off more than not being able to surf because of the sheer volume of pastey-white bodies on the beach and in the water. Really, stay at home this summer, we'll like you a lot more for it.

'Bloody Emmets! You can't move for them' (Emmet being a derogatory term for a holiday maker, it has its origins in the Cornish word for 'ant'


A nicer place then anywhere else in the UK. A minimum level of chavs, lots of fit girls, a great place to live. The main downside is the 'emmets' who come down with there chavvy mates on holiday.

Wow, Cornwall sure is nicer than anywhere else in the UK!


Bit at bottom of UK that looks like an Elephants trunk. historically a country in it's own right, similar to Wales, except the people aren't so stuck up their asses, and speak English to you, with minimal strange looks. The Cornish name for Cornwall is Kernow.

I went surfing in Cornwall, and got hammered on Scrumpy and the local Skunk weed they grow there... it rocked!


A small, boring town in upstate New York (or downstate, depending on your point of view. It's an hour away from the city.) It is mostly suburbs, apart from Main Street (where almost everything is closed down) and some rural parts in Mountainville. One of the only interests in Cornwall is sports. The mascot for the schools is, inexplicably, the dragon. Most younger people living in Cornwall will say that they can't wait to get out if it, as there is hardly anything at all to do.

Despite its proximity to Newburgh, there are really no gangs or violence outside of teenage "mischief" and the Maplehurst Inn (home to crazy homeless people, one might say).

It's a solidly middle-class town, but in Cornwall-on-Hudson, it's pretty high-class. It's divided into Cornwall, the Village of Cornwall, Cornwall-on-Hudson (which is along the Hudson river), and Mountainville. It's close to New Windsor, Washingtonville, Salisbury Mills, West Point, and Newburgh.

AKA: C-Wall, Craphole

Person 1: Where are you?

Person 2: Uh, Cornwall?

Person 1: ...

Person 2: It's between Newburgh and West Point.

Person 2: Ohhh...

Person 1: Yeah. It sucks.

See cornwall, newburgh, upstate, new york


shitty ass city in new york where you can't walk ten feet without being hustled for money by homeless people that are just trying to get money for drugs and/or alcohol. i used to live there and then i found out my friend got jumped by the BBK (benkard barrio kings)on clinton street... there are nice parts of the town but for the most part it's like growing up in new york city, gangs and violence..once was a nice place however newburgh corrupted this place.

wouldn't let my kids walk the streets alone in cornwall,ny...

See bbk, bloods, crips, ghetto, cornwall, newburgh, orange county


a good nickname for a lovely colorful girl who has amazing artistic ability, without being a scenester.

Gabby is so great at photography, she's such a cornwall.

See corn, wall, lovely, gabby, colorful


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