
What is Cornwallis?


The man who lost america for Britain. Almost as much of an idiot as Neville Chamberlain.

Cornwallis was one of the worst Britons ever. He should have joined France.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


when you take a corn covered shit on someone's chest or face.

i cornwallised your mama last night.

See shit, corn, cornwallis, nasty, face


one who willingly surrenders to an act of self-degradation, generally through the act of desperate, rigid sexual contact

Thomas: "I heard that Marcia from accounting showed up at Martin's for the GBW."

Richard: "That is also what I heard."

Harrison: "Yes, she is definitely a Cornwallis."

"Make love to me, William. I am your Cornwallis."

"You certainly know how to set the mood, Patrick."

"I know. Now grab the whips and chains."

Gentleman, steer clear of Paris. She is not only the crustacean transportation but also a Cornwallis...the city, I mean.

See alabama hot pocket, rabbit chop, cleveland steamer, hot karl, cincinatti bowtie


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