Cornx Kids

What is Cornx Kids?


main turf for the moshers(" metal heads"), punks, emo & wannabe's of leeds division

the cornexchange is a building where inside holds many shops which suit the genre of people who hang around outside it

corn exchange kids are old long rivals of trainstation kids

where the main scene is based.

since the groups started each group has hated each other and will never change, it is an easy target to spot the difference between a cornxkid and trainstation kid

both are groups with one or more different places to go

including a nearby canal where drinking and socialising will take place

person1 :"we off to the cornx?"

person2: "wtf no way, my turf is the trainstaion"

person1: "whats wrong with the cornx kids?"

person2: *sighs*

See scene, trainstation kids, lds, hardcore, xcore, leeds division


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