Corona Queens

What is Corona Queens?


Corona is a neighborhood in Queens. Queens is a borough in New York City. I grew up there. Its near Jamaica and not too far from Long Island city (queensbridge houses).

Historically its been African American and Latino (majority of whom are dominican and Puerto Rican)

Corona is a spanish word meaning Crown - however i dont know how this part of NY got that name

a well know rapper from here is Noreaga or NORE

it is also known for a large housing project called LeFrak City. LeFrak City is where im from. It used to be pretty bad, especially during the early 90's and crack epidemic. Nowadays many immigrants from Russian and eastern Europe have moved here. Its actually pretty calm nowadays.

theres also good weed around corona - as it is not far from jamaica queens

Corona Queens is a neighborhood in Queens. NORE is from there, and there are alot of fine dominican chicks round here.

See queens, nore, dominicano, projects, new york city, nyc


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