
What is Corporal?


Powerful, dangerous beasts spawned from the very pits of Hell. Are known to consume Privates and PFCs for fun. Very good in a firefight.

"I thought we were friends" "Not since I made Corporal, PFC!"

See marine, oorah, moto, sergeant, marines


The first Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) rank one achieves while in the Marine Corps.

Semper Fi, corporal!


An enlisted rank in many modern militaries, above private 1st class or lance corporal and below the lowest denomination of sergeant.

Corporal Smith is a brave soldier.


A Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) in various armed forces, of a rank immediately below sergeant, or, in Canada, a master corporal. Also the rank above a Private.

Lawrence: Hey I just got promoted from a Private!

Jason: Oh! Now you're a Corporal!


See corporal, private, u.s., army, jrotc, rotc


one who drinks himself to slepp, usually found in the nude, nestling for berries in the mist. See AA also


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