
What is Corporate?


Oppressively awful in that numbingly "cubicle in a hermetically-sealed office" kind of way: lacking good quality, morality or ethics, excellence, creativity, spontaneity, kindness, love, integrity, beauty, or intrinsic worth and meaning, i.e. corporate

"Yeah, we saw the movie version, and it was, like, totally corporate."

See horrible


Anyone thing or person that does not titalate your interest, something that is mundane, boring or even negative. Possibly something that takes too much attention or problem-solving skills to complete.

"That job you got has no zing to it, it's just plain corporate."

See corporate, ordinary, negative, guy


Noun: Cocaine. Derived from the common fact that when an individual achieves a promotion to the corporate office of a business they celebrate...hard. Usually with the "champagne" of drugs.

Verb: "Going Corporate". The act of ingesting said anesthetic.

Kevin: "Hey congradualtions on your promotion. And to celebrate I think it's time we have an official "Corporate Meeting". Meet me in my office."

Jeff: "Vegas was awesome! We partied so hard, Roy even went corporate."

See cocaine, blow, fresh powder, yayo, nose candy


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