Corporate Culture

What is Corporate Culture?


The rules, regulations, and unwritten policy for a corporation, the way it treats its employees, allowing them to dress a certain way or have certain events to their benefit.

This was changed to make people feel better about the restraints put on them at work.

It's not corporate policy, it's our corporate culture.


The way things are done in upper management in corporate America including their policies, procedures, values, beliefs, rules, and the way they treat and value their employees. It is almost an underworld where arrogance, overpay, and lack of concern for the “lower” employees is the norm. Often times, people in corporate America will sell their soul to the devil himself in their quest for power and money, and will do anything to climb the corporate ladder. Corporate America only cares about its own interests and has no concern for the “lesser” employees. It will make you think your job is secure and then lay you off without warning if it saves the company 10 cents. It will give you a pay cut, but then raise its own salary. Basically, it’s a world of liars, thieves, and hypocrites.

Corporate culture is not so good to the rest of us who work paycheck to paycheck.

See corporate america, ceo, president, krock1dk


Job security for middle management.

Middle Manager A: "Hey, check out that new entry-level guy. He was so hot for our corporate culture, I ended up hiring him for about $10,000 less than he deserved."

Middle Manager B: "Hahahahaha!"

Middle Manager A: "Yeah... best part is, whenever he starts getting pissy I make up some bullshit about web 2.0 or dot coms or whatever and he falls right back in line."

See web 2.0, dot com, branding, identity, san francisco


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