Corporate Pedophilia

What is Corporate Pedophilia?


Refers to the sexualization of pre-sixteen year-olds by marketeers to sell records. See Britney Spears in 'Hit Me Baby One More Time'.

Originates from 'Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers' by Alissa Quart.

Corporate pedophilia is SO uncool, man.


(N.) When big buisnesses in the TV/Movies/Music industry try to get their cosumers aroused to increase sales by making sexy people seem sweet and tender and making them dress up and behave like schoolgirls/boys. Often times, instead of imitation, they'll use actual children.

The Olsen Twins, Hilary Duff, and Britney Spears in schoolgirl outfits! Yeah! Alright! Sexy Corporate Pedophila at it's best! Yee-ha!



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