Corporate Rap

What is Corporate Rap?


When a record company produces a rap song with a catchy beat aimed at rich white kids and puts a celebrity figurehead (like 50 Cent) that has no talent to sing it. The company is doing this for money and there is no real rap, which like most real music is written from emotion and experience. This is an insult to music and is not helping the damn corporate takeover of everything. Fuck big business and long live real music like Bob Dylan, Rage Against The Machine, Led Zeppelin, and Bob Marley

Corporate Rap

me: WTF are you listening to

fag: "Low" by flo rida

me: Give me the damn music (breaks ipod, cd, or any fucking thing they are using)

fag: that is good music

me: (kick his ass) stop sucking on the corporate dick

See corporate rap, corporate, rap, hip hop, business, music, rock, rock and roll, 50 cent, flo rida, low


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