
What is Corps?


a. A separate branch or department of the armed forces having a specialized function.

b. A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction

1. The Marine Corps origional "specialized" funtion is to carry out sea based invasions at a moments notice under direction of the President of the United States, with or without the consent of congress or a declaration of war.

2. Just had to say that the guy who wrote the other definition is obviously uneducated and has no idea what he is talking about.

See marines, devil dog, usmc, leatherneck


a. A separate branch or department of the armed forces having a specialized function.

b. A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction

1. The Marine Corps origional "specialized" funtion is to carry out sea based invasions at a moments notice under direction of the President of the United States, with or without the consent of congress or a declaration of war.

2. Just had to say that the guy who wrote the other definition is obviously uneducated and has no idea what he is talking about.

See usmc, marines, devil dog, yut


It's not the few and the proud exactly, its the few thats alive and the proud thats dead.

Try's to be like the army but they die first.

on the buss to M.E.P.P.S. johnny said "2 out of 80 going to the corps? They really are the few.

See usmc, marines, jarhead


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