
What is Corrales?


A village in modern New Mexico, USA which was founded by Pueblo Indians centuries ago and indicated as a pueblo in Spanish maps as early as 1776. There are many indications that, whatever name it was called, this sloping, fertile crescent on the banks of the Rio Grande was settled by pueblo peoples for hundreds, if not thousands of years before Cortez wandered through the area. Today Corrales is a mostly rural community, unique in being a true, independent village nearly totally swallowed by a large metropolitan area (Albuquerque/Rio Rancho), yet wholly dedicated to the agrarian lifestyle and arts. A gem of the Southwest.

Yo, y'all wanna go up to Corrales, roll up a few numbers and chill in the Bosque?

See new mexico, albuquerque


A girl who can take a lot OF ALCOHOL wirhout booting. Basically awesome and especially hotttttttttt

Gtown Guy 1: Dude that girl Angela Baker from corrales is totally hot

Gtown Guy 2: Yeah dude, damn

See new mexico, hot, awesome, sexy, angela


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