
What is Correct?


To look physically good. To be in good shape. To not be saggin' or a big person.

That shorty is looking mad correct. Check out Jazman, she's got much booy and a nice chest, now she's correct.

See lovely, blazin', tight, hot, the bomb


Slang term for murder or killing someone or something

My girlfriend Nicole told me she saw a spider in the washroom and "corrected its ass"

you better step correct or get corrected

you are a problem thats about to be corrected

See correct, killing, murder, whacked


1.the right answer

2.looking good

1. She got the correct answer

2. Damn! That girl was correct!


the right answer; its exact.

1.The correct fact about Javy and Kelly is that Kelly loves Javy way more then javy loves her.

2.Kelly is always correct when javy is mean to her.

See right, fact, truth, Kellster


Everything is right. There will be nothing wrong.

Andrew: Tonight's gonna be soooo good

Shannon: Tonight is gonna be sooo correct!


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