Correct English

What is Correct English?


The use of the english language without any slang or improper grammer. This is excluding add-on's such as the following:







and other 'gangster' slang or anything Snoop Dawg may say.

George: Hello sir! How are you today?

James: I am fine, how about yourself?

George: I am fine as well! Good bye friend!

James: Good bye!

George: Thank you for using Correct English so I can understand you sir!

James: Not a problem!

Here is englinsh when its not used correctly

Shoquifa: Yo' Bitxch! Wher' yo' azz bee!?

Nalatifa: Aw hewll naw! Hewll naaaaw! I know's yous forshizzin' azz aint talkin' to me hoe!

Shoquifa: Hewll yeas I was!

See read a book, shakespear


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