
What is Corrine?


The complete package… someone who is BEAUTIFUL inside and out!

I meet this girl the other day and she was a total Corrine!!!

See beautiful, amazing, perfect, sexy, sweet, talented, awesome


The most amazing girl in the world. She's got looks, brains & a personality, too. What more could you ask for? If you don't already know a Corrine, you want to. Corrine is definitely the total package.

Damn-I want to make Corrine my wife.

See beauty, brains, amazing, personality, beatiful


a mouse, short and flat

damn i found a frickin corrine in my house last night.... i need the broom.

See whore, bitch, mouse, flat


a mouse, short and flat

damn i found a frickin corrine in my house last night.... i need the broom.

See whore, bitch, mouse, flat


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