
What is Co-sign?


To agree with. This term is mostly used on message boards.

User1: DAMN! J.Lo gotta fat ass!

User2: Co-Sign


1. Slang. (positive) - to propound; to sanctify; to advocate the genuineness/veracity of another's character.

2. Slang. (negative) - to A.)acknowledge and accept partial responsibility for the presence/actions of another person and the effects thereof, or B.)to deny all responisbility and/or attachment to said individual and/or their actions and any effects thereof.

1. (positive scenario - your friend's party)

"Who's the dude you came in with?"

"Oh, that's Keebler. Don't worry, man. I co-sign for him. He's cool."

2. (negative scenario - some random party)

"I think your buddy's about to get his ass beat."

"Who said he's my buddy? I just walked in next to him, I didn't co-sign for him."

See co-signer, cosigner, supporter, backer, friend


A Slang Word Meaning "Vouch", When You Get Someone A Job Where You Work. If The Person Is Working Out Then The "Co-Signer" Usually Takes Credit For The Employee's Success(Behind Their Back Usually).

Justin: "Holy Shit, My's Like The Best Employee We Got, Including Myself, Look All The Work He Did Last Night By Himself!"

Tommy: "Yeah, That's Right I Co-Signed That Kid."


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