
What is Co-signer?


An individual that goes along w/ everything another says w/ no thought or opinion of his own!!

Kane, you co-signer, stop co-signing everything that the managers force feed us!!

See cosigner, consign, bamma, plug, burger


A person with good credit who signs a loan application along with you, so you can get the loan. If you fuck up, their credit gets fucked up, and you will feel the co-signer's wrath.

My deadbeat brother asked me to be a co-signer for a loan so he could buy a new Lexus...I told him to suck my balls.

See co-sign, co sign, cosign, sign, co


Somone who is always on a certain persons side. Always agrees with specified person. Laughs at stupid jokes person says just so they won't get made fun of by person.

Leroy (to Artez): Man you look like a sexy moose

James(cosigner):HaHaHa man you to funny Leroy, you need your own show

Artez (to James):Man James you a co-signer man always laughing at Leroy lame jokes

See dick rider, follower, clone


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