Cosmic Bowling

What is Cosmic Bowling?


1. Actual bowling with lazer lights and blacklights.

2. Lesbian form of sexual bowling, where one girl puts her thumb in the ass of another girl, and her ring and middle finger in the vagina.

1. "Dude, cosmic bowling is awesome! Wear white and you'll glow!"

2. "Heyy babayy, I wanna go cosmic bowling. Is your boyfriend away?"

See cosmic, bowling, lesbians, nicole, marissa, fuck, om nom nom


Something unexplainable and unimaginable. Truly a phantom activity, the specifics of cosmic bowling are best left unnamed, as they could change everything. Forever.

What's cosmic bowling? Maybe instead of asking that, you should ask yourself about the kind of questions you're asking and the risks you're taking.

See cosmic, bowling, jizz, semen


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