
What is Cosmic?


"Out of this world" or a level above the normal physical human experience.

That discussion we had yesterday was very cosmic.


1) out of this world; far out

2) a unique individual; someone who doesn't fit any mold

3) Cosmic Top Secret - the highest security clearance at NATO

1) wow, were those hippies ever cosmic

2) that crazy guy, he's really cosmic

3) Denis Morriset had a Cosmic security clearance

See cosmic, awesome, wicked, security


better than best, the highest form of greatness,out of this world

your great but im cosmic

See great, fantastic, amazing, perfect


To suffer from an overdose of Ecstasy resulting in limb failure, mainly affecting the arms.

Dude don't take 4 at once, you're not as tolerant as Tim. You'll just Cosmic like Brando did at school from the 1/2 of a green smiley.

See ecstasy, rave, light, brando, far


A store found in the mall, with unusal clothing/accessories

"I shopped at Cosmic last night and found this awsome Shirt, Want some weed?"

See cosmic, goth, music, loser


A person who loves shopping with his wife and then goes home and models the dresses she has brought for herself. Although denying a love for it, secretly he loves the touch of the dress material.

John : hey you hear about billy, spent the day shopping with his wife and got caught with a dress on.

Gary : Told you he's cosmic, didn't i?

See gay, flamboyant, homosexual, transvestite


Referring To Cosmic Bowling, Or bowling at night in the dark.

"Wanna go cosmic this saturday?"


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